




夜貓子英文:1分鐘單字速速記 Vocabulary

  • sleep deprivation (n.) 睡眠不足
  • deprived (adj.) 短缺的;匱乏的
  • disorder (n.) 失調;紊亂
  • insomnia (n.) 失眠(症)
  • respiratory (adj.)呼吸的
  • cardiovascular (adj.) 心血管的
  • immune system (n.)免疫系統
  • wink (n.) 眨眼
  • to pull an all-nighter (phrs. v.) 開夜車(熬夜學習、工作)
  • cognitive (adj.) 感知的;認知的


夜貓子英文:熬夜後的狀態 Symptoms for Sleeping Late

We’ve all had to pull all-nighters before, whether it’s for school or for a work project. Sleeping late and sleep deprivation can cause long-term effects, such as daytime sleepiness, poor academic and work performances,

sometimes it’ll even lead to mental health issues. Check to see if you have any of the following symptoms. If you do, you may be sleep deprived!

fatigue 疲勞
puffy eyes/eye bags 眼睛浮腫/眼袋
edema/fluid retention 水腫
dark circles 黑眼圈
acne/pimple/zit 青春痘/粉刺
excessive yawning 打哈欠頻率過多
moodiness and depression 喜怒無常與憂鬱
forgetfulness and clumsiness 健忘與笨拙
lack of motivation 缺乏動力
irritability 易怒


夜貓子英文:跟睡眠有關的常見俚語 Common Expressions about Sleep

night owl (n.) 夜貓子
I’ve always been a night owl. It seems like the later it gets, the more awake I become.

early bird (n.) 晨型人
You are such an early bird; how can you wake up so early every day?

tossing and turning (phrs.) 輾轉難眠
My husband was tossing and turning all night, I don’t know what’s troubling him.

to get up at the crack of dawn (phrs. v.) 在破曉時分(黎明)起床
Come on, we need to go to bed early. We have to get up at the crack of dawn to make our flight.

to sleep on it (phrs. v.) 思考一晚Hey, this is a big decision so I suggest you sleep on it.

to burn the candle at both ends (phrs. v.) 蠟燭兩頭燒
I’m burning the candle at both ends with both a day and night time job.

catnap (n.) 小睡
Try to take a catnap during lunch hour if you’re really tired.

to catch some Zs (phrs. v.) 補眠
I’m going to try and catch some Zs while waiting for the bus.

to wake up on the wrong side of the bed (phrs. v.) 心情不佳
Dude, my mom woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. She wouldn’t stop nagging at me!

to not sleep a wink (phrs. v.) 一刻都沒睡
I didn’t sleep a wink last night, insomnia sucks.

Guys, we can’t stress how important it is to make sure you get enough sleep. A lot of us suffer from sleeping disorders and insomnia, but we are not cognitive of it and we don’t bother looking into this. Long-term effects from loss of sleep include increased risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases,

as well as a weakened immune system. Not to mention the negative effects on the brain and mental health. Make sure you’re all getting enough sleep!
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